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10 Do's and Dont's of Reiki


Reiki is spiritual. It is a vibrational healing treatment that used to encourage balance on the human body. It does not involve substance intake or physical manipulation, instead it works through a subtle vibrational field that penetrate and surround the body. In Japanese, who originated it, terminology, it is known as the universal life energy.


With its number of known benefits that promote human health and wellness, many people get themselves involve with this healing technique. Find out more about this through the CrystalVibes website. They enrolled themselves in various related trainings available worldwide. After the trainings, next step that healing experts think about is how to put it into practice. Should they set up their own Reiki center or be a member of a related practice. This article will focus more on setting up your own Reiki practice, its do's and don'ts in particular. Check the information below for further details.


1. Do look for a place to set up your practice. If zoning law permits you to have Reiki practice and is allowed by your city government, you can build it at home. And if possible, you can even rent your other space with related practitioners such as health spas, chiropractors, or massage therapists to maximize your available space or for additional income.


2. Do or be a volunteer and earn more experience by getting yourself involved to Reiki practices. This will also open your eyes to additional things some practitioners' use including music and crystal vibes.


3. As soon as possible, do invest on a good bodywork table.


4. Don't rush on providing Reiki session; seek customer's permission first before starting the procedures.


5. Do yourself a favor and purchase professional liability insurance, every health experts need this for security purposes.


6. Don't waste your money in marketing or advertising. Advertisement for Reiki is not that necessary, for some word-of-mouth works best. It cost less but is highly effective. If you wish for more about reiki, click here now.


7. Do plan a schedule for Reiki sessions. You can mark your calendar in advance for dates and times you are sure to be available.


8. Do approach your clients for help. Ask them to tell their friends and family about your Reiki services. Inform them that you can customize the session according to his or her preferences including the use of music and crystal vibes for the healing therapy.


9. Don't worry too much about the service fees of your Reiki sessions; getting enough practice is more important for beginners than money.


10. Don't stop learning. If given with opportunity, continue your Reiki study.